ruote log_2010-10-12

2010-10-12 07:11:34 utc jmettraux tosch_le: Hello Torsten, how are you feeling today ?
2010-10-12 07:12:03 utc tosch_le fine, thanks. how do you do?
2010-10-12 07:14:23 utc jmettraux doing fine
2010-10-12 08:00:42 utc tosch_le jmettraux: i've seen the "[ ] If-Match etag" entry in rk's TODO and am keen to help implementing this
2010-10-12 08:01:02 utc jmettraux how do you understand it ?
2010-10-12 08:01:26 utc jmettraux the spec is cryptic ;-)
2010-10-12 08:02:22 utc tosch_le where's the spec?
2010-10-12 08:02:51 utc tosch_le i've learned that etags are used to track changes in entities
2010-10-12 08:05:18 utc jmettraux spec == todo ;-)
2010-10-12 08:05:36 utc jmettraux how would you do it then ?
2010-10-12 08:05:37 utc tosch_le argl
2010-10-12 08:05:48 utc tosch_le that was what i was wondering about
2010-10-12 08:06:05 utc tosch_le i asked myself if there would be much to gain in rk.
2010-10-12 08:06:48 utc jmettraux in the case of an expression, we could use the expression's revision (_rev) as the etag
2010-10-12 08:07:20 utc tosch_le for instance the workitems resource: the storage has to be queried in any case and will return whole workitems if i understand ruote's rdoc correctly
2010-10-12 08:07:38 utc jmettraux yes
2010-10-12 08:08:11 utc tosch_le so the only thing to save is bandwith
2010-10-12 08:08:23 utc tosch_le s/with/width/
2010-10-12 08:08:35 utc jmettraux it's a bit more "RESTful"
2010-10-12 08:09:09 utc jmettraux HTTP has specific response codes for "you're trying to update a resource whose representation you have of is stale"
2010-10-12 08:09:17 utc tosch_le and could later be complemented by cheaper query methods in ruote itself?
2010-10-12 08:09:46 utc tosch_le ok, just thought of caching stuff.
2010-10-12 08:10:22 utc jmettraux If-None-Match != If-Match
2010-10-12 08:10:41 utc jmettraux GET If-None-Match vs PUT/DELETE If-Match
2010-10-12 08:10:54 utc tosch_le stale checking with puts, posts or deletes is a good idea, i suppose
2010-10-12 08:11:14 utc tosch_le sinatra seems to support etags out of the box:
2010-10-12 08:11:28 utc jmettraux ruote already does it internally
2010-10-12 08:11:43 utc jmettraux I want to have the right HTTP response codes
2010-10-12 08:12:43 utc tosch_le +1
2010-10-12 08:13:15 utc tosch_le but it's a nice example for implementation ;-)
2010-10-12 08:13:22 utc jmettraux indeed
2010-10-12 08:22:56 utc jmettraux have to escape for now
2010-10-12 08:22:58 utc tosch_le btw.: 412 should be the correct response error code if the etag doesn't match
2010-10-12 08:23:04 utc jmettraux enjoy !
2010-10-12 08:23:04 utc tosch_le
2010-10-12 08:23:07 utc tosch_le bye!
2010-10-12 08:23:11 utc jmettraux cool, we need that !
2010-10-12 13:21:51 utc tosch_le jmettraux: as a start:
2010-10-12 13:31:09 utc jmettraux tosch_le: hello, it's already merged in
2010-10-12 13:31:14 utc jmettraux thanks !
2010-10-12 13:31:43 utc tosch_le :)
2010-10-12 14:17:12 utc anb_ Hello
2010-10-12 14:17:24 utc tosch_le hello anb_!
2010-10-12 14:17:58 utc jmettraux hello
2010-10-12 14:18:29 utc jmettraux anb_: maybe for your friend Didier :
2010-10-12 14:19:08 utc anb_ I don't know if he knows ruby but i'll show him, thanks
2010-10-12 14:19:45 utc jmettraux :-)
2010-10-12 14:25:34 utc jmettraux have a good night !